asked Questions
Make sure you are using the latest version.
check, click on "Settings" and select "Check for
What is
Prosolve Messenger?
Prosolve Messenger is an instant messaging system for
office networks (local area networks). It is designed to allow
people to quickly
exchange pop-ups with each other.
A typical setup would be when one person is
answering phones, and does not want to use the
intercom, or get up and go and see if another person
is available to take a call. By using two mouse
clicks, a pop-up will appear on the second person's
computer screen. With one click they can respond to
the message.
How do I install and setup
Prosolve Messenger?
download and install the program on each person's
computer. Prosolve Messenger will find the other computers
automatically. It should take less than a minute per
Is there a limit on the
number of users?
No. The license
allows you to have up to 254 users! (the max number
of computers on your local subnet). Both the full
version and the trial version do not limit the
number of users.
How do I send a message?
First select the name of the
user to whom you want to send the message by
clicking on their name in the list of users. You can
select more than one user by using the Ctrl
(see Can I select more than one user)
or by setting up groups
(see Can I create
Groups or
Buddy lists).
Either type your message in the message box or
select a predefined message by clicking on one of
the Quick POP buttons.
If a Button is
, the predefined message
assigned to that button will appear in the message
box. You can append to or change the message
by typing in the message box.
Click the Send button. (You can also press
Ctrl+Enter to send).
If a Button is
, the predefined message assigned to that button
will be sent immediately.
If you hold the mouse curser over a button, the
predefined message will be displayed.
Can I
select more than one user?
Hold down Ctrl while click on on the user
names. You can also set up user groups
(see Can I create
Groups or
Buddy lists).
Are then any hot keys for
sending messages?
Yes. Each button corresponds to a function key.
Pressing F1 is the same as clicking on button1, F2
is the same as clicking on button2 and so on. Just
click on a user name and press one of the Function
How do I Respond to a message?
Either type your message in the message box or
select a predefined message by clicking on one of
the Quick POP response buttons.
If a Button is
, the predefined message
assigned to that button will appear in the message
box. You can append to or change the message
by typing in the message box.
Click the Send button. (You can also press
Ctrl+Enter to send).
If a Button is
, the predefined message
assigned to that button will be sent immediately.
If you do not wish to respond, simply click the
"Close" button.
If you hold the mouse curser over a button, the
predefined message will be displayed.
Messages can also be forwarded - See next question.
Can I forward a message?
When you receive a message you can forward or
transfer it on to another user by clicking the
"Forward" button. You will be placed back on the
main screen. Click on the name of the user you would
like to forward the message to, and click the "Send"
button. The message will appear to the user you
selected as coming from the user who sent the
original message to you.
How do I change the Predefined
"Quick POP" Buttons?
on "Settings" and select
"Change Settings".
Select the "Send Quick POPs" tab.
Enter the text you want to appear on the button,
enter the message text, and select whether the
button will be
by selecting the
"Send Immediate box".
How do I change the Predefined
"Quick POP" Response Buttons?
on "Settings" and select
"Change Settings".
Select the "Response Quick POPs" tab.
Enter the text you want to appear on the button,
enter the message text, and select whether the
button will be Yellow or Green by selecting the
"Send Immediate box".
Can I add a special "Emergency"
on "Settings" and select
"Change Settings".
Select the "Send Quick POPs" tab.
Include the word "Emergency" in the button Text.
This button will appear
When clicking on the Red button, the message will be
sent to all users.
Can I copy my buttons to
or from another user's computer?
Yes. Click
on "Settings" and select
"Change Settings".
Select the "Admin" tab. Click on the "Transfer"
button to start the Transfer Utility.
This Utility can be used to copy one computer's
settings, button configuration and group
configuration to all other
users at once.
You can also
copy the "buttons.txt" file located in the
Prosolve Messenger
directory (by default C:\Program Files\Prosolve
Messenger) to
the other user's computer. Be sure that Prosolve
Messenger is
not running on the recipient's computer at the time.
Can I Print or Save a message?
Click the "Save / Print" button on the POPup
The message will be saved as a standard text file in
the folder "My Documents\PMmessages".
You can then print the message.
can do the same for messages in the log files.
view all saved messages, Click
on "Settings" and select
"Open saved msgs folder".
Can I retrieve old messages that
have been sent or received?
To redisplay the last message received, click on the
History Button in the Title Bar.
The last 100 messages will be displayed.
Click on a message to read it, double click on a
message to recall it.
can also click on "Settings" and
select "View Logs".
You can view the current log or search old logs.
When I minimize
Prosolve Messenger,
where does it go?
An icon with a green man will
appear in your System Tray (near the clock on your
Simply click on the icon to make Prosolve Messenger reappear.
do the different Tray icons mean?
This is the main Tray icon. |
This icon indicates active pop-ups showing. |
This icon indicates Auto Response enabled.
How do I disable the POP up
on "Settings" and select
"Change Settings".
Select the "General" tab.
Uncheck the "Play Sound when Message Arrives" box.
How do I
change the POP up
on "Settings" and select
"Change Settings".
Select the "General" tab.
Click the "Select" button.
How do I user the Auto
Respond feature?
you must enable Auto Respond:
Click on "Settings" and
select "Change Settings".
Select the "Auto Respond" tab.
Check the "Enable Auto Respond" box. You can change
the Auto Respond messages by entering your own
custom messages in the spaces provided. Click "Save"
To use Auto respond, click on the Blue A and select
the message.
Can I change
the font size for messages and responses?
on "Settings" and select
"Change Settings".
Select the "General" tab.
Change the default font size.
Can I make the font in the list of users smaller?
Yes.Click on "Settings" on the upper left corner and
select "Change Settings". Select the
"General" tab.
Check the box "Small Font in User List".
Can I
forward all messages sent to me to another user?
you must enable Auto Respond:
Click on "Settings" and
select "Change Settings".
Select the "Auto Respond" tab.
Confirm the "Enable Auto Respond" box is checked.
Select the User you would like to forward your
messages to.
To use Auto respond, click on the Blue A and select
the message.
Why don't I see all the
users in my office in the user list?
Prosolve Messenger will only show users that have
Prosolve Messenger open
(running) on their computer.
To refresh the user list, click on "Settings" and
"Find other Users".
Can I create
Groups or
Buddy lists?
Click on "Settings" and
select "Configure Groups".
You can create new, edit or delete groups of users.
Can I retrieve old messages that
have been sent or received?
Click on "Settings" and
select "View Logs".
You can view the current log or search old logs.
Do I
have to configure my Firewall?
you first run Prosolve Messenger, Windows should ask you to
unblock the port that Prosolve Messenger uses for
If you encounter computer communication problems,
you can change the ports that Prosolve Messenger uses.
To manually change Windows Firewall see
How to manually open ports in Internet Connection
Firewall in Windows XP
If you have another
Personal Firewall installed on your computer (e.g.
Norton Internet Security etc.) you will have to
manually configure the Firewall to allow Prosolve
Messenger to
access the network.
(For Norton Internet Security, click here)
- If you are
not sure if the firewall is blocking access, try
disabling all firewalls temporarily to determine
if they are blocking Prosolve Messenger.
Prosolve Messenger uses UDP ports 4111 and 4112 by default.
What do I do if I've changed my
computer's name or Windows user name?
on "Settings" and select
"Change Settings".
Select the "Admin" tab.
Click on the button marked "Auto Clean" and then
To refresh the user list, click on "Settings" and
"Find other Users".
You will have to do this on all computers running
Prosolve Messenger.
I don't receive
any messages sent to me, but other users receive
messages I send to them?
You need to rebuild the list of usernames:
on "Settings" and select
"Change Settings".
Select the "Admin" tab.
Click on the button marked "Auto Clean" and then
To refresh the user list, click on "Settings" and
"Find other Users".
You will have to do this on all computers running
Prosolve Messenger.
can also select the "Clear user cache at startup"
and "Reset port after each transmission" options.
I install and run more than one instance of Prosolve
Messenger on
the same computer?
Prosolve Messenger uses the UDP protocol which allows the program
to operate without an intermediary server, and
without opening and closing connections between
computers on the network. However, once a UDP port
has been bound to a program (opened) on a computer,
another program cannot use the same port.
You can however, use Prosolve Messenger Port Forwarding to "bridge"
the ports. Please contact our Tech
Support for details.
do I register all copies of Prosolve Messenger on the network?
on "Settings" and select
"Change Settings".
Select the "License" tab.
Click on "Send to other users" NOTE:
Only versions 1.5 + will be automatically
What are the minimum system
requirements to install and run Prosolve Messenger?
- Microsoft Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, *Vista (*
see next question)
- Intel Pentium II Processor and above.
- 128MB (Recommended).
- 4 MB of available hard drive space.
- Display Resolution at least 800x600
- TCP/IP-based local network
Prosolve Messenger work with
Windows Vista?
Yes. Prosolve Messenger has been tested and installed on all
versions of Windows Vista.
Make sure you have the latest version of Prosolve
Can I request help or
support, how do I contact Prosolve Software?
Yes. Call our phone number (on top of page, or email
Is the Trial version the
same as the Full version?
The only difference is that the Trial version will
stop working after 15 days. Both versions have no
limits on the number of users, and are fully
Are there any Admin Tools e.g. A
system wide message logger?
Prosolve Messenger Logger is an Admin program
that will
keep logs of all Prosolve Messenger messages. It should be run
on a separate computer.
Please contact our Tech
Support for details.
How do I purchase a license?
Please contact Prosolve for details.
I have lost my Serial Number, what
should I do?
You will need the email
address, first and last name used when purchasing
your license.
Please contact our Tech
What is Prosolve's Privacy Policy?
We will not sell, give away or otherwise transfer your
personal information to third parties. Unless you request
otherwise, we may on occasion send you email about new
products and releases.
We store only your name, e-mail address and order details,
but not your address, credit card number or phone number.
Orders are processed by PayPal. Their Privacy Policy is
We do not collect any personal information from web site
visitors except for their email address.